Ahem, anyway, can you believe that I started this strip back in 1998?? I did the first couple of pages, then got lazy (who? Meee?) and shelved it. Like most things, I eventually get back around to finishing it. That's why you might notice that the earlier pages are done with tight inked lines and the more recent pages finished about 6 months ago have a looser quality. You should see all the half finished, 99% finished, and just getting started stuff I have in my studio. All in due time, I suppose...Anyway, I love mixing hot, horny, nasty black on black grime with a heavy dose of tongue in cheek. So hopefully this little trifle will tickle your funny bone. Oh, and please excuse the lettering. I can't letter for shit, and I don't even think I roughed out the dialogue on this one. However, when you draw stuff as nasty as I do, you don't have to be that finicky with the slickness factor. Ya'll know I can do slick when I want to. But this was a loose, silly thing I did to introduce a new character. It only took 8 years to finish...Oh, and another thing...Why does blogger scramble the order of the pictures when you upload them? That irritates the fuck out of me. Betta get ya act together, Blogger if you want to be bought up by Google. Or has that already happened...anyway, lata...and ENJOY
In my earlier post of the first part of this story posted as "Finally...an Update", I forgot a page so check out the first part of this story down below.

So freaky, so hot AND funny. Please give us more.
damn who needs a friday nite date when we got yer drawings!!!
Been catch you art here and ther online since i was in college, It's cool to see how far you've come! KEEP THE ART COMING!
Brlliant... as always, B! Love, "C$"
Thanks, all....Pro Spector, i love your blog..lots of pics of boys that I haven't seen before...
Thanks man of course a bruh had to give you a shout out!
I love this story! I'm always impressed by your gift for telling really good stories and your skill for drawing weird erotic positions. bravo maestro!
Man your comics can make me laugh hard and get a boner at the same time. Keep 'em coming
man, I enjoy all your art work, especially this story the invisible man theme was creative and nutt busting erotic!!
belasco, I love all of your work but this invisible man story was both creative and nutt busting erotic!
Your art is amazing! I really like erotic drawings and yours are totally awesome. And I SO want one of your t-shirts...
whoa that stuff was so raw! damn nut busting ghost! i love all your drawings. I even I have your comic book! yeah so keep em coming!
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