Hey, all...Was out of commission earlier this week due to a rough few days of travel to and from the Dominican Republic. The airlines have really degenerated, is all I can say. I won't recount the awful details other to say it involved a two delayed flights (going and coming home!), a 4:30 departure that ended up not leaving Santa Domingo until 11pm(!!), a missed connection in Miami, getting a hotel voucher but not being able to get to the hotel until 3am (the rescheduled flight was at 8am!), a missed flight and then finally back home in Los Angeles. Whew. All this drama and I still wouldn't trade the wonderful time I had for my brief stay in D.R.. Kudos to Mr. Anthony Montgomery for his hospitality and accommodations at the Camarillo Apts. in the heart of the Colonial Zone. Check out his blog for more info. He's an ex-pat after my own heart!
Anyway, here is the latest animation I've done. Nothing overtly risque but can anyone tell why this particular animation has any significance?