Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Stop Aids Campaign artwork:Final

A while ago I posted the original artwork for the Stop Aids campaign from a few years ago and here is the finished piece. Thanks to Googlicious for sending them my way...
As you can see, compromises were made...But a nice finished product nonetheless. They're not in the correct order cause I don't have time to deal with Eblogger's friggin' interface...Enjoy!


BronzeBuckaroo said...

You say compromises were made for this particular piece, but, regardless of anything, your work is ALWAYS the same perfected handsome quality.

RDot said...

i like both versions...i like the rough draft with showed the graphic imagery and the subtle final version. they both have their strengths and weaknesses to them and they both get the point across

Frater Gymnos said...

thanks so much for doing the work on this lovely piece.

googalicious said...

Cool ...
Glad you were able to use these, B ...