Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blast from the Past...!

My good friend and fello erotica artist, Anthony Gonzales, sent me something he found. It's the cover to the first appearance of Boo in print form. I know I have my own copy buried somewhere but it was great to see this again and realize how many years it's been since I channeled Boo out of the void and into the world. I can't make out the cover date, but if memory serves, it came out in '97? Someone feel free to correct me...
Anyway, thanks, Anthony and I promise to be in much better health on my next trip to NYC! In the meantime, everyone needs to get Anthony's book, Bronx Boys, now! It's a terrific collection of his detailed, masterfully rendered drawings. He's a virtuoso of technique and an amazing draftsman of the male form. And he's fast! One of these days I'm going to talk him into doing some erotic comics! His stories would be off the proverbial chain!


Wonder Man said...

I will check his work out

Anonymous said...

Yes the GBM issue is dated "winter 1997."

Belasco said...

Wondy, definitely do....His work is hot to death...

Anony, thanks for the clarification. Damn, that was a long time ago! In another year, it'll be 10 years since
"Brothers of New Essex" was published!!!

Reginald Harris said...

10 years!? I don't believe it. BTW I still have that copy of GBM (and a number of the others as well)

Santiago said...

When I click on Anthony Gonzales' link, I get a 404 error. Wrong typing or dead link? Either way, I really would like to check more artworks from him (just discovered this guy recently).

Am I doomed or what ? ^^