People always ask me if I have models pose for all the erotic artwork I do and I generally reply that I draw it out of my head which only enhances my reputation as a freak. LOL..Anywho, even though I do draw my scenes out of my head, I can only do it because of many years of figure drawing from life and a steady diet of comicbooks! So here are a few samples of my drawing from life to hone my skillz. The great thing about focusing mainly on black men in my artwork is that I don't have to embellish too much when I transition from drawing from real life to drawing the characters that populate my stories. And as you can see from the samples, I like em big and burly as well as sleek and sinewy. Oh, and if you're in the L.A. area and interested in nude modelling, drop me a line with a recent pic at I don't offer money but I can do a drawing for you in trade. It's harmless, really...
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Belasco, we in the Black bisexual/gay community are VERY fortunte to have such an impelling visionary such as yourself representing our overall beauty to the whole world to see. For ME to accept and be a proud BLACK (bi) male in America, can not only prove to be a political thing, it is also undeniably very "sexual", "colorful" and "beautiful". With your striking images, you boldly remind (and educate some of) us that there's NOTHING wrong with being a powerful Black man while remaining unashamed to also show our "heat" that we ALL carry so naturally! --I own ALL of your works (once of which I got the privilege to get you to sign at NYC's Erotic Arts Fair), and I never hesitate to show them all off to my houseguests. You've got a phreaky (and proud) bi-brutha' up in NYC anxiously awaited your next creation for us all to enjoy. Keep on keeping on, baby-boy.... and mos def' PLEASE keep 'em cummin' for 'da fanz... like me! One love.
Thanks, man. I wouldn't and couldn't do it without the support of you and folks like you. I know new works have been slow in coming but, trust, I am constantly creating (which is the point of this blog) so that when I do come back, I'll have a shit-load of product. One of the drawbacks (pardon the pun) of having a collection like "The Brothers of New Essex" published, is that it depleted my reserves of individual books since most of my 'product' ended up in that book. So now I'm busy creating new product that will be showing up either through a real website in the near future or in your local bookstore, or both.
As a Black gay male I have always loved male erotica. Your art has given me a sense of admiration and awe for my Black brothers. Thank you for the creativity your drawings and sculptures.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Belasco, we in the Black bisexual/gay community are VERY fortunte to have such an impelling visionary such as yourself representing our overall beauty to the whole world to see. For ME to accept and be a proud BLACK (bi) male in America, can not only prove to be a political thing, it is also undeniably very "sexual", "colorful" and "beautiful". With your striking images, you boldly remind (and educate some of) us that there's NOTHING wrong with being a powerful Black man while remaining unashamed to also show our "heat" that we ALL carry so naturally! --I own ALL of your works (once of which I got the privilege to get you to sign at NYC's Erotic Arts Fair), and I never hesitate to show them all off to my houseguests. You've got a phreaky (and proud) bi-brutha' up in NYC anxiously awaited your next creation for us all to enjoy. Keep on keeping on, baby-boy.... and mos def' PLEASE keep 'em cummin' for 'da fanz... like me! One love.
I LOVE how all of these seem to showcase the OBVIOUS beauty of the Black man's booty! Very sexy, ASS always! -- "C-Money," Brooklyn, NY
Thanks, man. I wouldn't and couldn't do it without the support of you and folks like you. I know new works have been slow in coming but, trust, I am constantly creating (which is the point of this blog) so that when I do come back, I'll have a shit-load of product. One of the drawbacks (pardon the pun) of having a collection like "The Brothers of New Essex" published, is that it depleted my reserves of individual books since most of my 'product' ended up in that book. So now I'm busy creating new product that will be showing up either through a real website in the near future or in your local bookstore, or both.
As a Black gay male I have always loved male erotica. Your art has given me a sense of admiration and awe for my Black brothers. Thank you for the creativity your drawings and sculptures.
In L.A. on top of all this...Thanks for sharing and being so open aboutyour way of working ,technique.
sorry,i think i am leavinga message in every window i keeps giving surprises every time i do.
No problem,'s when you don't leave messages that I get worried...LOl
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