Saturday, August 26, 2006

Washing of the Feet...

Since the African American foot Yahoo group I belong to recently had a little stir up over a dude who was excited about the prospect of getting his feet washed by his minister, I thought the timing of this piece was ironic. Some of the members of the group got all bent out of joint cause this guy said he was aroused by getting his feet washed in the church. I only have one thing to say to that...Get over yourselves! lol...People take this religion thing waaaay too far. Now of course, I'm a bit of the can't be religious and draw the raunchy shit I do...although being religious actually helps some people's 'art'. Hell, Prince is religious and he wrote that "Sister" song! (Dirty Mind is my favorite album of his, no surprise.) Oh, and did you see that special on PrimeTime about the HIV epidemic? Jesse, turn your Oh Mighty Leader of Black People hat at the door when you leave, ok? He's always rubbed me the wrong way. And I usually like Libras. Oh well. It was all pretty sad. But the question of why we have allowed ourselves to get to this state is no mystery. If you live in a country where racism is barely concealed and self hate among black people is rampant (just check those A4A profiles), it doesn't take a Stephen Hawking to figure out that people will expose themselves too all kinds of things that aren't good for them. Hell, we eat, smoke, drink things that eventually will kill us everyday. People live for the now when they don't think the future is particularly bright. And yet everyone's afraid of dying but noone wants to get old either. I'll be glad when they perfect android host bodies that you can transfer your brain into. Course, there'd still be bullshit to deal with...."Your android body's dick isn't big enough..."etc...Anyway, I know, I're thinking, "Less pontificatin', bitch, and churn out some mo' dirty stories!" Here's the heathen foot drawing in all it's glory...enjoy!


erosblake said...


erosblake said...

okay, i'm the devil....but my friend told me a hott ass story bout a minister who was 6'3 pro bodybuild & was hung like a horse! & he topped my friend! i would luv 2 see character who is a minister like my friend's holy roller but preaches against gays but is a world class ho-monger.

sergi jiménez said...

does anybody knows the address of that african american feet group?? cant find it and (OMG) seems sooo hot! Thanks and congratulations for your JOB, its GREAT! xxx

Belasco said...

Hey, Sergi, the group I referred to in that post is a yahoo group called The African American Foot Group and if you do a search on the yahoo groups site, I'm sure you'll find it. A fine bunch of guys who post lots of nice pictures!