Sunday, October 14, 2007

Monday Moanin'...


Unknown said...

What I love the most about these pictures is that these men's bodies look a LOT like mine. Sometimes, especially in gay culture with it's love of thin, lean, muscle-machines, it's hard to imagine and easy to forget the gorgeousness of my body.

RDot said...

The Big Boys ARE BACK!!!! my lawd....Belasco, I do believe you have found your calling!

Anonymous said...

Always good work. Sexy and artistic. I think some artists confuse an extreme form of sexuality with art, but there's a nice synthesis of both in your work.

Belasco said...

In the not so distant past I would have probably been guilty of an extreme form of sexuality in my artwork. Back then, that was very intentional on my part. My artwork was there to service stories that hadn't been out there and showing 'us' being freaky in ways that hadn't been shown. Now things have changed and I prefer to create imagery that's a bit subtler and more art for art's sake.

Justice said...

Okay, at first I went "what?" at the USMC picture. But it really is sexy and sensual and powerful. I know, enough with the "ands" already. I think I'd be quite happy to give a guy like that a second look. ;)