Friday, January 04, 2008

Some Color for the New Year

Not necessarily a resolution, but I hope to produce more color pieces this year....
Here's one so far...and one other thrown in just 'cause.


Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to this site. I just want to say that I love your work. I've been a fan of yours for quite a while. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

wow! those colors just POP!!!

RDot said...

Those colors ARE amazing and the fact that u got ya boys practicing SAFE SEX is TOPS in my book!

Anonymous said...

Who's that MAN getting out of the shower? Looks familiar, just can't put my finger up (oops) on it. LOL


ricanbearinla said...

I love that you drew this dude with glasses. This picture is VERY hot!

Anonymous said...

Belasco...this is straight out of a scene from blatino oasis...I love you for this color piece. you must do some Blatino Oasis specific pieces to sell this year in Palm Springs.
Blatino Oasis
May 9-12,2008

Anonymous said...

I love the pic that Nubian Eagle has on his page (glasses exiting the shower). It's hot. How can I get you to draw my boyfriend?

Belasco said...

JC said...

Great to see some color work from ya! I love how each character has a different skintone.

And I REALLY love the guy in the baggy green shorts. Let's see more of him!!